CV Publications Invited Lectures

Alfred G. Noël's photograph

Alfred G. Noël


Chair: 9/1/2022 - 9/1/2025

Department of Mathematics
The University of Massachusetts Boston

Interests: Representation Theory of Lie Groups, Computational Lie Theory, Mathematics Education

Picture of the root system of type E8, projected from 8 dimensions down to 2, produced by John Stembridge from the University of Michigan

Some Links:

Some Mathematics or Economics Related Blogs and Links:

Atlas Project:

Grants and Awards:


Reaching Me:

Email anoel "at" math "dot" umb "dot" edu
alfred "dot" noel "at" umb "dot" edu
US Mail Department of Mathematics
University of Massachusetts at Boston
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125-3393
Phone +1 617 287-6458 (university office phone)
Fax +1 617 287-6433 (department fax)