Israel's Inhumanity

What would be the natural, human reaction?

In addition to the "savage and uncivilized" things like taking and, occasionally, executing enemy hostages, it would certainly include some of the following "civilized" responses:

  1. Banning the enemies' language from public life.
  2. Banning the enemies' dominant religion.
  3. Deporting the enemies' religious and/or racial kin.
  4. Rounding up the enemy sympathizers and placing them into internment camps.
  5. Blocking money transfers to and any commerce by the enemies.
  6. Destroying any and all of the enemies' infrastructure.
  7. Capture and kill enemies' leadership.
  8. Destroy their organizations (especially the armed ones).

What is the reality in Israel?

Point by point:

  1. Arabic is one of the two national languages in Israel.
  2. Islam and its symbols are prominent. Mosques can and are built using public funds.
  3. Well over 20% of Israelis are Arab Muslims; represented in Knesset by elected Arab Muslim representatives.
  4. Pro-Palestinian demonstrations are not only legal, but are guarded by the police.
  5. Israel collects custom fees for the Palestinian Authority and was regularly transfering the funds to them up until Hamas won the elections there.
  6. Life in Gaza, while not as good as in Israel itself, is noticably better, than in nearby Egypt — exactly because of better infrastructure. From the recent article comparing life on two sides of the same city:
    Al-Nahal said he wasn't exactly impressed with Egyptian Rafah which, with mudbrick buildings and unpaved streets, has more of a village feel than its larger, bustling counterpart of multistory apartment buildings on the Gaza side.
  7. Enemy leadership, unless accused of being personally responsible of terrorism (and sometimes even despite such accusations), are not harmed and promptly released if detained.
  8. Palestinian police has received weapons and training either directly from Israel, or with its approval.

What do we call a country, that acts contrary to the human ways?


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