CS637 Practice Final Exam   NAME:_________________________     

Open books, handouts, solutions, etc., including online docs. Attend class and keep your video on. Submit your solution to Gradescope, or if problems with that, email to me. You can ask short questions during the exam by speaking up, or send me email at elizabeth.oneil@umb.edu. Show all work by editing this document (preferred option), or on separate pages with problems clearly marked and in order. Each problem is worth 20 points, except 6 and 7 are worth 15 points.   Total points = 150.


Note that this is too long for an actual final exam, but shows the kinds of problems the real final may have. Note that two problems require drawings, as has the homework, so you should have practice in adding a drawing to your document at the right place. See "Gradescope info" on the class web page under Resources for some pointers.

  1. A hospital with a diabetes clinic wants you to provide a glucose measurement web app for its diabetic patients. Each patient has a name (string), unique database id (int), and doctor’s name (string). Several times a day each patient measures their blood glucose level, a number such as 160, and how much insulin they took at that time, for example 10 units. Your web app should accept their id (our feeble attempt at privacy here) and blood glucose level “glucose” and insulin dose “dose” for one particular time, also recorded by using the current time known by the database. The app should also show the most recent (up to) 8 observations (time, glucose, dose).
  1. Using our database-backed web applications technology, how should we hold the data on all the patients and observations to support this application?  Write the SQL that the program needs to use to create empty versions of the tables named patients and measurements.  Use the uniqueness of the patient id appropriately, and use a foreign key constraint. Use auto_increment for the database id for a measurement. Use timestamp for the type of the measurement time column.











  1. Given a patient ‘Joe’ already in the database, with id 100, write the SQL statement that adds his measurement of glucose at 167 and dose of 12 units of insulin (at the current time) to the database. Let the database determine the time by using current_timestamp as the value to insert, and let auto-increment set the measurement’s database id, and be sure your create table above specifies auto-increment for this column.







    2. a. Design a model API (function and parameter names) for this app that supports insert as well as the retrieval as described above.  For  ch05_guitar_shop, the corresponding API is get_categories(), get_category_name($category_id), get_products_by_category($category_id), and three others on pg. 171. Indicate what each function returns, if anything. In particular, how can we return “up to 8 observations”?






     b. Design a two-page web UI for this app (not counting error pages). For each page specify the user controls (links, buttons, forms, etc.), preferably by using a page flow as we have done in homework 3 and in the slides.








  1. SQL.  Note the my_guitar_shop2.sql script on pp 589-571, and available in book_apps/_create.. For this problem, write SQL queries on the database (no PHP here!) to find the following:


  1. For guitar (i.e. product with productCode) “les_paul”, find the total number of sales. If quantity = 10 in an orderItem for this product, that counts as 10 sales.







  1. Find the total number of customers in each state.





4.      Web background

See the our pizza projects for the pizzapie image, in file pizzapie.jpg, a 100x100 pixel image.  Suppose the following HTML file is named index.html and is located in the test directory of the web server’s root directory.

<!DOCTYPE html>



    <style type = "text/css">

      * { margin: 0; padding: 0}

      body {

           width: 500px;

           border: black solid 3px; }

      h1 {




   <h1> Pizza Pie </h1>

   <img src="pizzapie.jpg" alt="pie" width="100" height="100">


     Here it is again:

   <img src="pizzapie.jpg" alt="pie" width="100" height="100">



a.     Show the display to proper scale on the screen for this page, in a browser window of 600x600 pixels. Indicate the browser window with a drawn square, and then put the images and appropriate text inside it, with the border.  Use cross hatching to show the blue background.











    b.         Give the sequence of GET commands (one line each, each ending with HTTP/1.1) that occur when you browse to this page.







5.      PHP Web App Implementation. Consider the Product Catalog application of pp. 180-187.  Suppose the user is looking at the Product page shown in the lower half of pg. 181 and clicks the “Basses” link. The view code for the Product page is on pg. 185. The important tables are shown on pg. 99.


a.       What HTTP command is issued by the browser? Show the whole command line, including any parameters and the HTTP/1.1 at the end.




b.      What PHP program processes this HTTP request?  Give its name, directory, and page number of its code in the text.



c.       Consider the code as it executes in the controller after the user clicks the "Basses" link, until the point it forwards to a view. In particular, give the name and final value of each assigned variable. Include array values (i.e., show the elements, at least their id and name values). Note that the picture on pg. 181 gives you information on the array contents, as does pg. 99.

d.      What model calls were involved in the execution you described in c.?


6.      Objects

Here is part of cart.php designed to represent a simple shopping cart in a webapp:


class Cart {

    // array of $product_id => $qty
    private $itemQty;

    // Create an empty cart
    function __construct() {
        $this->itemQty = array();

    // Add an item to the cart
    function addItem($product_id, $quantity) {
        $this->itemQty[$product_id] = $quantity;


  a. Give code to create an empty cart called $cart1

   b. Add 2 units of product 3 and 4 units of product 5 to $cart1 by calling its addItem method (shown above)

   c. Is it possible to access the Cart's $itemQty from code outside cart.php?  Explain how or why not.

      7.      Web Services.Suppose pizza2_server is installed at /var/www/html/test/pizza2_server on pe07.

a.      What HTTP command (ending in HTTP/1.1) would be used to get the current JSON representation of order 12?



b.      If $content holds the JSON content for the body of the response to be returned by the Slim server (set up as we have done), how does the server get it sent back to the client?  Give the line of code. (This can be done in two ways, with and without $response. Show either way.)

c.      What PHP function do we call in the PHP client to convert the string returned in the response into a PHP array?

d.   Under what circumstances should the server return HTTP 400?

8. Handling Users in bigger websites.

a. Explain how we ensure that passwords cannot be read in transit, for example, by "sniffing" tools that read raw packets off the network.

b. Explain how a web app remembers that a certain user has logged in a few minutes ago, so they are not bothered by repetitive requests for passwords.

        9. Javascript Web App Implementation

a. Write a small HTML file that has a body, with a main, and inside main, a section containing "Hello" in an p element. It should also have a script element for Javascript in app.js. The section element should have an attribute named "id" of va

b. Write JS code (no JQuery, just Javascript) for app.js that locates the section and adds another p element containing "Goodbye".

c. Add an event handler to the section element so that when a user clicks on the section, another p element containing "Goodbye" is added below the preceding ones