Package jminusminus

Class CLFlowControlInstruction


class CLFlowControlInstruction extends CLInstruction
Representation for FLOW_CONTROL1, FLOW_CONTROL2, FLOW_CONTROL3 and FLOW_CONTROL4 instructions.
  • Constructor Details

    • CLFlowControlInstruction

      public CLFlowControlInstruction(int opcode, int pc, String jumpToLabel)
      Constructs a CLFlowControlInstruction object for FLOW_CONTROL1 instructions.
      opcode - the opcode for this instruction.
      pc - index of this instruction within the code array of a method.
      jumpToLabel - the label to jump to.
    • CLFlowControlInstruction

      public CLFlowControlInstruction(int pc, int index, boolean isWidened)
      Constructs a CLFlowControlInstruction object for RET instruction.
      pc - index of this instruction within the code array of a method.
      index - index of the local variable containing the return address.
      isWidened - whether this instruction is preceeded by the WIDE (widening) instruction.
    • CLFlowControlInstruction

      public CLFlowControlInstruction(int opcode, int pc, String defaultLabel, int low, int high, ArrayList<String> labels)
      Constructs a CLFlowControlInstruction object for TABLESWITCH instruction.
      opcode - the opcode for this instruction.
      pc - index of this instruction within the code array of a method.
      defaultLabel - jump label for default value.
      low - smallest value of index.
      high - highest value of index.
      labels - list of jump labels for each index value from low to high, end values included.
    • CLFlowControlInstruction

      public CLFlowControlInstruction(int opcode, int pc, String defaultLabel, int numPairs, TreeMap<Integer,String> matchLabelPairs)
      Constructs a CLFlowControlInstruction object for LOOKUPSWITCH instruction.
      opcode - the opcode for this instruction.
      pc - index of this instruction within the code array of a method.
      defaultLabel - jump label for default value.
      numPairs - number of pairs in the match table.
      matchLabelPairs - key match table.
  • Method Details

    • resolveLabels

      public boolean resolveLabels(Hashtable<String,Integer> labelToPC)
      Resolves the jump labels to the corresponding offset values using the given label to pc mapping. If unable to resolve a label, the offset is set such that the next instruction will be executed.
      labelToPC - label to pc mapping.
      true if all labels were resolved successfully, and false otherwise.
    • jumpToOffset

      public int jumpToOffset()
      Returns the pc of instruction to jump to.
      pc to jump to.
    • toBytes

      public ArrayList<Integer> toBytes()
      Returns the bytecode for this instruction.
      Specified by:
      toBytes in class CLInstruction
      the bytecode for this instruction.