Package jminusminus

Class JPlusOp

class JPlusOp extends JBinaryExpression
The AST node for a plus (+) expression. In j--, as in Java, + is overloaded to denote addition for numbers and concatenation for Strings.
  • Constructor Details

    • JPlusOp

      public JPlusOp(int line, JExpression lhs, JExpression rhs)
      Constructs an AST node for an addition expression.
      line - line in which the addition expression occurs in the source file.
      lhs - the lhs operand.
      rhs - the rhs operand.
  • Method Details

    • analyze

      public JExpression analyze(Context context)
      Analyzes and returns a JExpression.
      Specified by:
      analyze in class JExpression
      context - context in which names are resolved.
      the analyzed (and possibly rewritten) AST subtree.
    • codegen

      public void codegen(CLEmitter output)
      Performs code generation for this AST.
      Specified by:
      codegen in class JAST
      output - the code emitter.