Package jminusminus

Class NLIRALoad

class NLIRALoad extends NLIRInstruction
LIR instruction representing JVM array load instructions.
  • Constructor Details

    • NLIRALoad

      public NLIRALoad(NBasicBlock block, int id, int opcode, NLIRInstruction arrayRef, NLIRInstruction index, String sType, String lType)
      Constructs an NLIRALoad object.
      block - enclosing block.
      id - identifier of the instruction.
      opcode - JVM opcode for the instruction.
      arrayRef - LIR of the array reference.
      index - LIR of the array index.
      sType - type (short name) of the array.
      lType - type (long name) of the array.
  • Method Details

    • toSpim

      public void toSpim(PrintWriter out)
      Translates this LIR instruction into SPIM and writes it out to the specified output stream.
      toSpim in class NLIRInstruction
      out - output stream for SPIM code.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Returns a string representation of this instruction.
      toString in class NLIRInstruction
      a string representation of this instruction.