Haitian Scientific Society Seminar Series

Saturday April 29, 2023


Zoom-Link: https://umassboston.zoom.us/j/93139842515



Flexibility and rigidity in contact and symplectic geometry


Oleg Lazarev

Department of Mathematics, University of Massachusetts Boston



I will give an overview of contact and symplectic geometry, which is the geometry of classical Newtonian mechanics and discuss some motivating examples from day-to-day life, including parallel parking (a difficult problem in Boston!) and light caustics seen in the bottom of coffee cups. Then I will discuss modern developments, which include proofs of existence of periodic orbits of large classes of physical systems (that cannot be solved explicitly), distinguishing rigid symplectic structures on the same smooth space, and flexible constructions of new symplectic structures. 


Bio: Professor Lazarev was trained at Princeton University: A.B in Mathematics Summa cum laude (2012), and at Stanford University: PhD (2017. At Princeton, he received two coveted prizes:  Middleton Miller ‘29 Prize for independent research and the Sigma Xi Book Award for Outstanding Research. His main fields of research are Symplectic Geometry and Symplectic Topology. His current project concerns “Critical symplectic geometry” a new approach that he introduced in previous work with Sylvan and Tanaka. This is an extremely ambitious initiative that bridges several different areas of mathematics: rigid and flexible symplectic geometry, Floer homotopy theory and classical homotopy theory, higher algebra, and dynamical systems. His research has been supported by the NSF since 2012. He is a world leader in these fields and has published consequential works in some of the best peer-reviewed journals. He lectures extensively in the US and abroad. He was hired as Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department in 2021 after completing an NSF Postdoctoral Fellowship at Columbia University and a Simons Postdoctoral Fellowship at Harvard University.




















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