GAClust version 1.0 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ How to install and execute GAClust ================================= You need to have Sun's JDK or JRE installed, probably at least version 1.3. To install GAClust, copy GAClust.jar to some directory on your hard drive. Unzip and in the same directory. To run the GAClust, just type: java -jar GAClust.jar or double-click on GAClust.jar (works only if you have JRE installed). If GAClust runs out of memory during some clustering operation (you see an OutOfMemoryException message), then you need to allocate more memory to the JVM. In the case of Sun's JDK you can do this by typing: java -Xmx512M -jar GAClust.jar which will let JVM use 512MB of memory, assuming of course that you have that much memory installed. If you have a bug report then you can write me at: EOF==================================================================