IT 116: Introduction to Scripting
Class 14 - Midterm Review



Homework 7

I have posted homework 7 here.

It is NOT due this coming Sunday.

Instead it is due Sunday, March 24th.

This is to give you time to study for the midterm.

And to give me time to score it.


The Midterm exam for this course will be held on Tuesday, March 19th.

That is the first Tuesday after the Spring Break

The exam will be given in this room.

It will consist of questions like those on the quizzes along with questions asking you to write short segments of Python code.

60% of the points on this exam will consist of questions from the Ungraded Class Quizzes.

There will be 15 of these questions, worth 4 points each.

The other 40% of points will come from four questions that ask you to write a short segment of code.

There will be 4 of these questions worth 10 points each.

To study for the code questions you should be able to

A good way to study for the code questions is to review the Class Exercises and homework solutions.

Today's class will be a review session.

You will only be responsible for the material in the Class Notes for today's class on the exam.

You will find the Midterm review Class Notes here.

If for some reason you cannot take the exam on the date mentioned above you must contact me to make alternate arrangements.

The Midterm is given on paper.

I scan each exam paper and upload the scans to Gradescope.

I score the exam on Gradescope.

You will get an email from Gradescope with your score when I am done.

The Midterm is a closed book exam.

You are not allowed to use any resource other than what is in your head, while taking the exam.

Cheating on the exam will result in a score of 0 and will be reported to the Administration.

Remember your Oath of Honesty.

To prevent cheating, certain rules will be enforced during the exam.

Quiz 5

Let's look at the answers to Quiz 5.

No Class Exercise or Class Quiz

Today is a review session.

There will no Class Exercise or Class Quiz today.


Are there any questions before I begin?


Strings and String Literals




Creating Variables with Assignment Statements


Numeric Data Types and Literals

The input Function

Performing Calculations

Decimal and Integer Division

Exponent Operator

Remainder Operator

Operator Precedence

Grouping with Parentheses

Escape Sequences

Concatenation Operator

Boolean Expression

Relational Operators

Precedence of Relational Operators

Control Structures

Code Blocks

if Statements


if-else Statements

Indentation in the if-else Statement

Nested if Statements

if-elif-else Statements

Logical Operators

Precedence of Logical Operators


While Loops

Infinite Loops

for Loops

The range Function

Running Totals

Augmented Assignment Operators


Two Types of Functions

Defining a Function

Calling a Function

Local Variables
