IT 116: Introduction to Scripting
Class 12 Ungraded Quiz

  1. What do you call a variable that is defined inside a function?

  2. If a variable is defined inside a function, can another function see the value of that variable?

  3. If a variable is defined inside a function, can the code outside all functions see the value of that variable?

  4. Can a variable not declared inside a function have the same name as a variable defined inside a function?

  5. Can two functions have a variables with the same name?

  6. What do you call the variables that are listed inside the parentheses of a function header?

  7. Where do parameters get their values?

  8. Write the function header for a function named calculate_interest that has two parameters principle and interest.

  9. What do you call the expressions (values), inside a function call?

  10. Write the function cheer that has the single parameter team and prints a cheer for that team.