IT 117: Intermediate Scripting
Class 2

Course Work

Python Review


Homework 1

I have posted homework 1 here.

It is due this coming Sunday at 11:59 PM.

Completing the Apply Process

Some of you have not completed the Apply process.

You must do this to get a class directory.

Without a class directory you cannot submit assignments.

Help with the Apply Process

If you have difficulty with the Apply process you must get help NOW!

You can see me after class or during office hours.

You can connect me on Zoom during office hours.

Or you can contact the Class Assistant.

Whatever it takes, complete the Apply process.

Review Classes

This class and the two classes next week will be review classes.

I will cover the material from IT 116 that you need to know for this class.

You should use this period to brush up on your knowledge of Python.

Class Page for IT 116

You may find it useful to look at my materials for IT 116.

I have a web site where I post most of the materials for my courses.

You will find the IT 116 materials at

I have included this link on the class page for the course.

Go to the index for the Class Notes and search for a topic.

You will find the index here .


Are there any questions before I begin?

Course Work


Submitting Assignments

Working on Assignments

Software for the Class

Class Assistant

Python Review

The Python Interpreter

Python Scripts

Rules for Scripts


Creating Variables with Assignment Statements

Data Types

Integers and Floats


Strings and String Literals



Variable Naming Rules

The input Function


Decimal and Integer Division

Remainder Operator

Exponent Operator

Operator Precedence

Grouping with Parentheses

Mixed-Type Expressions and Data Type Conversion

Escape Characters

Concatenation Operator

Boolean Expression

Relational Operators

Comparing Strings

Control Structures

if Statements

Code Blocks

if-else Statements

Nested if Statements

Testing a Series of Conditions

if-elif-else Statements

Logical Operators


While Loops

Infinite Loops

Class Exercise
