IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 16 Ungraded Quiz

  1. What does the ? meta-character match?

  2. What does the * meta-character match?

  3. What do the [ ] meta-characters match?

  4. What command would you use to see all files in your current directory whose name began with "foo", followed by another letter, followed by ".txt"?

  5. What is a built-in?

  6. Name the three ways a shell can be started.

  7. What is the name of the startup file that we will be using in this course, which contains commands that are run when you first log in?

  8. Where are the startup files located?

  9. What command would you use the find out more about a built-in command?

  10. Are the commands in .bash_profile run when you create a subshell using bash?