IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Class 17 Ungraded Quiz

  1. What is the value of the file descriptor for Standard Input?

  2. What is the value of the file descriptor for Standard Output?

  3. What is the value of the file descriptor for Standard Error?

  4. If you wanted to run the executable file in your current directory, but wanted the error messages to disappear, what would you write at the command line?

  5. If you wanted to run the executable file backup in your current directory, but wanted BOTH the output and the error messages to go to the file results.txt, what would you write at the command line?

  6. What would you type at the command line, if you wanted to make the script executable?

  7. Write the hashbang line we use for scripts in this course.

  8. Write the hashbang line you would use if you wanted a script to run using the sh shell.

  9. Name the three categories of people who might need to read a shell script.

  10. What command would you use to make the changes you made in the startup file for your login shell take effect?