IT 244: Introduction to Linux/Unix
Homework 4


Sunday, February 18th at 11:59 PM

What You Need to Do



  1. Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using tilde, ~.
  2. Using one Unix command, go to your home directory using tilde, ~.
  3. You should be in your home directory.
    Using one Unix command, go to your hw4 directory inside your hw directory, inside your it244 directory using a relative pathname.
  4. Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using an absolute pathname.
  5. Using one Unix command, go to the it244_files directory inside the course_files directory, inside my home directory, using an absolute pathname.
  6. Using one Unix command, go to my home directory using relative pathname using one or more instances of .. .
  7. Using one Unix command, go to your home directory.
    Once you are there go to your it244 directory using a relative pathname.
  8. You should be in your it244 directory.
    Using touch create a file named test.txt.
    Go to your hw4 directory.
    Using .. stay in your hw4 directory but list the contents of your it244 directory.
  9. Stay in your hw4 directory and copy the test.txt file from your it244 directory to your hw4 directory using a relative pathname.
  10. Using one Unix command go to your home directory.
    Using one Unix command, copy the test.txt file from your it244/hw/hw4 directory to your home directory.


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