A Short Course in Unix

Connecting to a Unix Machine

The Command Line

Your Home Directory

Current Directory

Listing the Contents of a Directory

The Hierarchical Filesystem

Knowing Where You Are in the Filesystem

Changing Your Location in the Filesystem

Getting Lost

Command Options

Running a Command Again

Unix is Case Sensitive

Fixing Command Line Mistakes

Command Line Editing - Arrow Keys

Command Line Editing - Control Key Sequences

Command Line Editing Summary

Control AMove to the beginning of the line
Control EMove to the end of the line
Control URemove everything from the text entry point to the beginning of the line
Control KRemove everything from the text entry point to the end of the line
Control _Undo the last command line change
Move the text entry point one character to the left
Move the text entry point one character to the right
Recall the previous command line entry in the history list
Recall the following command line entry in the history list

Creating a Text File


Removing a File

Creating Directories

Removing a Directory

Moving a File or Directory

"Invisible" Files and Directories

. (dot) and .. (dot dot) in a Directory

Paths and Pathnames

Two Kinds of Paths

Absolute Pathnames

Tilde, ~

Relative Pathnames

Relative Pathnames inside Your Current Directory

Relative Pathnames below Your Current Directory

Relative Pathnames above Your Current Directory

Relative Pathnames Neither above Nor below the Current Directory