Jun Suzuki's Publications: Trade Journal Papers and Book Translation

Trade Journal Papers


  1. "Ask Object Technology Expert: Junichi Suzuki," Object Technology Magazine, OGIS Research Institute, November 2004.
  2. "Interview -- Hiroki Kamata and Junichi Suzuki Representatives of OMG Japan," Computing Japan Magazine, June 2000.

Trade Journal Papers

  1. C. Lee, H. Wada and J. Suzuki "Chemical Programming," IT Architect Vol.14, November 2007.

  2. H. Wada, C. Lee and J. Suzuki "Next Generation Event-Driven Architectures," IT Architect Vol.11, May 2007.

  3. H. Wada, J. Suzuki and C. Lee, "Macroprogramming Wireless Sensor Networks," IT Architect Vol.10, December 2006.

  4. C. Lee, H. Wada and J. Suzuki, "Security Issues in Wireless Sensor Networks," IT Architect Vol.7, October 2006.

  5. H. Wada, J. Suzuki and C. Lee, "Early Aspects," IT Architect Vol.6, August 2006.

  6. J. Suzuki, C. Lee and H. Wada "Do Computer Network Systems Dream of Biological Systems?," IT Architect Magazine, vol. 5, IDG, June 2006.
  7. C. Lee, H. Wada and J. Suzuki"Autonomic Computing and Artificial Immune Systems," IT Architect Magazine, vol. 4, IDG, March 2006.
  8. H. Wada, C. Lee and J. Suzuki"Domain Specific Softwre Development," IT Architect Magazine, vol. 3, IDG, January 2006.
  9. Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (5): Joinpoints and Pointcuts," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, August 2004.
  10. Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (4): Understanding Aspect Internals (2)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, May 2004.
  11. Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (3): Understanding Aspect Internals (1)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 21, April 2004.
  12. Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (2): Getting Started with AspectJ," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 20, March 2004.
  13. Junichi Suzuki, "AOP (Aspect-Oriented Programming) in a Nutshell (1): What are Aspects?," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 19, February 2004.
  14. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (18): Model-driven Software Development," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 18, January 2004.
  15. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (17): Executable UML," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 17, December 2003.
  16. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (16): Exploring the UML Metamodel," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 16, November 2003.
  17. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (15): Specifying Constraints to Build Precise UML Models," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 15, October 2003.
  18. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (14): Pair Programming and Pair Modeling," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 14, September 2003.
  19. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (13): Modeling EJB Components with UML," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 13, August 2003.
  20. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (12): Modeling XML Documents with UML," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 12, July 2003.
  21. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (11): Interchanging Model Information with XMI (XML Metadata Interchange)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 11, June 2003.
  22. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (10): Object State Modeling," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 10, May 2003.
  23. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (9): Event Notification Modeling with Observer and Multicast Patterns," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 9, April 2003.
  24. Junichi Suzuki, "Maintaining and Interchanging UML Model Information with XML," XML Magazine, Shoeisha, 2003.
  25. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (8): From Robustness Analysis to MVC Architecture," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 8, March 2003.
  26. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (7): How to Organize Static and Dynamic models; Packages and Robustness Analysis (Boundary, Control and Entity Objects)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 7, February 2003.
  27. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (6): Modeling Dynamic Behaviors of Objects," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 6, January 2003.
  28. Junichi Suzuki, "Eclipse: Using Its Advanced Features --Refactoring, Unit Testing, Automatic Building and Plug-ins," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2002.
  29. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (5): Modeling Generalization and Specialization between Classes," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 5, December 2002.
  30. Junichi Suzuki, "Eclipse: Exploring its Architectural Design and JDT (Java Development Tooling)," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 4, November 2002.
  31. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (4): Understainding Multiplicity (Cardinality) of Associations," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 4, November 2002.
  32. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (3): Modeling Associations between Classes," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 3, October 2002.
  33. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (2): Identifying Classes," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 2, September 2002.
  34. Junichi Suzuki, "Object Modeling at Work (1): Understanding What Modeling is and What UML is for," Java Developer Magazine, Softbank Publishing, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2002.
  35. Junichi Suzuki, "Marriage of XML and Software Modeling: How does XMI work?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.13, 2002.
  36. Junichi Suzuki, "Global Storage Networks," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.12, 2002.
  37. Junichi Suzuki, "Realtime CORBA and its Applications (2)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.12, 2002.
  38. Hiroshi Wada and Junichi Suzuki, "CORBA Universe," Java World, 2002.
  39. Junichi Suzuki, "What is Small-world Networks?," @IT, Nov. 2001.
  40. Junichi Suzuki, "Onion Routing: Its Technology, Patent and Export Control," The Export Control News, Dec. 2001.
  41. Junichi Suzuki, "Realtime CORBA and its Applications (1)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.11, 2001.
  42. Junichi Suzuki, "What is Onion Routing?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.11, 2001.
  43. Junichi Suzuki, "Does Pair-Programming Work Well?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
  44. Junichi Suzuki, "What's New in SOAP 1.2?," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
  45. Hiroshi Wada and Junichi Suzuki, "Web Services: Its Goal and Implementation Technologies (2)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
  46. Junichi Suzuki, "Applications of Web Link Analysis Techniques," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.10, 2001.
  47. Junichi Suzuki, "Saka and Kumo", The Object Report, editorial, Vol.6, No.10, September, 2001.
  48. Junichi Suzuki, "Trends and Technologies in Web Search Engines," Web+DB Press, Oct. 2001.
  49. Hiroshi Wada and Junichi Suzuki, "Web Services: Its Goal and Implementation Technologies (1)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
  50. Junichi Suzuki, "An Overview of Realtime Specification for Java (RTSJ)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
  51. Junichi Suzuki, "Realtime Technologies 101," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
  52. Junichi Suzuki, "A Strategy for Developing Strategies," The Object Report, editorial, Vol.6, No.9, September, 2001.
  53. Junichi Suzuki, "Trends in Internet Search Technologies," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.8, August, 2001.
  54. Junichi Suzuki, "Toward Next Generation Distributed Computing (2)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.8, August., 2001.
  55. Junichi Suzuki, "Toward Next Generation Distributed Computing (1)," The Object Report, Vol.6, No.7, June., 2001.
  56. Junichi Suzuki, "What is Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)?", Object Report, Vol.6, No.5, Nov., 2000.
  57. Junichi Suzuki, "An Overview of Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)", The Export Control News, Nov., 2000.
  58. Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "Locating and Bootstraping in Distributed Object Environments", Object Report, Vol.6, No.4, Oct., 2000.
  59. Junichi Suzuki, "The World is Small?: An Overview of Small-world Networks", Object Report, Vol.6, No.4, Oct., 2000.
  60. Junichi Suzuki, "How to Learn Software Patterns?", Object Report, Vol.6, No.3, Sept., 2000.
  61. Junichi Suzuki, "Some Perspectives to Software Patterns", Object Report, Vol.6, No.3, Sept., 2000.
  62. Junichi Suzuki, "Framework and Patterns", Object Report, Vol.6, No.2, August, 2000.
  63. Junichi Suzuki, "An Introduction to CORBA Distributed Object Environment", Java Press, August, 2000.
  64. Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "Emerging Internet Technologies and Tools for Your Desktop," In Internet Technology, Chapter 6, ASCII Publishing, July, 2000.

  65. Junichi Suzuki, "7 Mythes of XML", Java Press, July, 2000.
  66. Yoko Hirano and Junichi Suzuki, "Distributed Object Infrastructure at Kabu.com", Object Report, Vol.6, No.1, July, 2000.
  67. Junichi Suzuki, "Software Architecture and Pattern", Object Report, Vol.6, No.1, July, 2000.
  68. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (10): CORBA QoS Management", TransTech Magazine, April 2000.
  69. Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "The 4th Distributed Object Computing Seminar Report", Object Report, Vol.5, No.12, April, 2000.
  70. Junichi Suzuki and Tadaaki Arimura, "What is Refactoring?", Object Report, Vol.5, No.12, April, 2000.
  71. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (9): POA Policies and CORBA Component Model", TransTech Magazine, March 2000.
  72. Junichi Suzuki, "Net Business in the Year 2000", Object Report, Vol.5, No.11, March, 2000.
  73. Tadaaki Arimura, Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "An Object World 1999 Report (2)", Object Report, Vol.5, No.11, March, 2000.
  74. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (8): Object Adaptors: BOA and POA", TransTech Magazine, Feb. 2000.
  75. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (7): Differed Synchronous and Asynchronous Communication", TransTech Magazine, January 2000.
  76. "Software Pattern and Role Modeling", Object Report, Vol.5, No.10, Jan., 2000.
  77. Tadaaki Arimura, Junichi Suzuki and Hiroshi Wada, "Object World 1999 Report (1)", Object Report, Vol.5, No.10, Jan., 2000.
  78. Junichi Suzuki, "Language Aspects in Pattern Languages and UML", Object Report, Vol.5, No.10, Jan., 2000.
  79. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (6): Bootstraping, Event handling considerations, and Deffered Synchronous Communication" TransTech Magazine, December 1999.
  80. "Patterns and Pattern Languages", Object Report, Vol.5, No.9, December, 1999.
  81. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (5): Any Type and Event Service" TransTech Magazine, October 1999.
  82. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (4): Interoperation between C++ and Java, Callback and Naming Service" TransTech Magazine, September, 1999.
  83. "7 Mythes of XML", Object Report, Vol.5, No.8, Sept., 1999.
  84. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (3): Exceptions, Object Reference and Interface Inheritance", TransTech Magazine, August 1999.
  85. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (2): CORBA Fundamental Programming Model", TransTech Magazine, July 1999.
  86. "Distributed Object Computing at Work (1): Distributed Objects, OMG and CORBA", TransTech Magazine, May 1999.
  87. "Distributed Component Computing Environment with CORBAcomponents", DDJ Japanese Edition, April 1999.
  88. "Software Modeling: What and Why (2)", Object Report, Vol.5, No.6, April, 1999.
  89. "Software Modeling: What and Why (1)", Object Report, Vol.5, No.5, Feb. 1999.
  90. "Emerging CORBA 3.0", DDJ Japanese Edition, Jan. 1999.
  91. "CORBA/IIOP Primer", Computer Today, Nov. 1998.
  92. "Software Patterns: Concepts and Applications", DDJ Japanese Edition, Oct. 1998.
  93. "What's New in CORBA 3.0?", Object Report, Sept, 1998.
  94. "OOPSLA '98 Report", Object Report, Vol.5, No.4, August. 1998.
  95. "XML: Next generation technology for the Web (1)", DDJ Japanese Edition, May 1998.
  96. "XML: Next generation technology for the Web (2)", DDJ Japanese Edition, June 1998.
  97. "CORBA Programming Techniques, DDJ Japanese Edition, July 1998.
  98. "Building a Java Distributed Object Environment with CORBA", DDJ Japanese Edition, May 1998.
  99. "Markup Language Primer: XML/CSS (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.12, May. 1998.
  100. "CORBA Specification Review", Object Report, Vol.4, No.11, March. 1998.
  101. "Markup Language Primer: XML/CSS (1)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.11, March. 1998.
  102. "Internet Commerce and its Security", DDJ Japanese Edition, Feb. 1998.
  103. "Dynamic HTML Primer", DDJ Japanese Edition, Jan. 1998.
  104. "Basics and Practice of Design Patterns", DDJ Japanese Edition, Oct. 1997.
  105. "CORBA and its Direction", DDJ Japanese Edition, Aug. 1997.
  106. "Design and Coding ConceptMap Applet", To be appeared on "Java Report" by SIGS. You can read the preview HTML version.
  107. "Python in a Nutshell (9): 3D Graphics Programing with Alice", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Mar., 1997.
  108. "Python in a Nutshell (10): Numrical Library, Distributed Object and XML Programming", Doctor Dobb's Journal, April., 1997.
  109. "Universal Directory Service", Object Report, Vol.4, No.9, Feb. 1997.
  110. "Python in a Nutshell (8): Using MATISSE Object Database through ASP", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Feb., 1997.
  111. "Ubiquitous Web Environment and CORBA Distributed Object Environment", Computer Today, Jan. 1997.
  112. "Python in a Nutshell (7): Python Web Server", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Jan., 1997.
  113. "Python in a Nutshell (6): Handling Japanese Characters in Python", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Dec., 1996.
  114. "Distributed Objects and Internet Platform", Object Report, Vol.4, No.7, Nov. 1996.
  115. "COM in a Nutshell (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.7, Nov. 1996.
  116. "Object Model in JavaScript", C Magazine, Nov. 1996.
  117. "Python in a Nutshell (5): Network Programming with Socket", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Nov., 1996.
  118. "COM in a Nutshell (1)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.6, Oct. 1996.
  119. "Architecture Components (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.6, Oct. 1996.
  120. "JavaScript Object Model (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.6, Oct. 1996.
  121. "Python in a Nutshell (4): Reflection", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Oct., 1996.
  122. "CORBA+Web: What does this mean?", DDJ Japanese Edition, Oct. 1996.
  123. "JavaScript Object Model (1)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.5, Sept. 1996.
  124. "Netscape ONE Architecture", Object Report, Vol.4, No.5, Sept. 1996.
  125. "Python in a Nutshell (3): GUI Programming with Tkinter", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Sept., 1996.
  126. "3 Approaches to Integrate Distributed Objects and Web", Object Report, Vol.4, No.4, August. 1996.
  127. "Python in a Nutshell (2): What is Scripting?", Doctor Dobb's Journal, August, 1996.
  128. "Developing Dynamic Intranet Applications with VisualWave", Object Report, Vol.4, No.3, July. 1996.
  129. "CORBAnet Internals (2)", Object Report, Vol.4, No.3, July. 1996.
  130. "Python in a Nutshell (1): An Introduction", Doctor Dobb's Journal, July, 1996.
  131. "Object-Oriented Thinking (14): Object-Oriented User Interface (3)", Doctor Dobb's Journal, June, 1996.
  132. "CORBA-Web Integration (4) - BlackWidow", Object Report, May. 1996.
  133. "Object-Oriented Thinking (13): Object-Oriented User Interface (2)", Doctor Dobb's Journal, May, 1996.
  134. "Architecture Components (1)", Object Report, June. 1996.
  135. "CORBA-Web Integration - BlackWidow (3)", Object Report, May. 1996.
  136. "Object-Oriented Thinking (12): Object-Oriented User Interface (1)", Doctor Dobb's Journal, April., 1996.
  137. "CORBAnet Internals (1)", Object Report, Mar. 1996.
  138. "CORBA-Web Integration - BlackWidow (2)", Object Report, Mar. 1996.
  139. "Object-Oriented Thinking (11): Object Scripting", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Mar., 1996.
  140. "CORBAnet", Object Report, Feb. 1996.
  141. "Model Interchange with EIA CDIF", Object Report, Feb. 1996.
  142. "CORBA-Web Integration - BlackWidow (1)", Object Report, Feb. 1996.
  143. "Object-Oriented Thinking (10): Abstraction", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Feb., 1996.
  144. "Object-Oriented Thinking (9): Non-OO Thinking", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Jan., 1996.
  145. "Delphi Object Model", Object Report, December 1995.
  146. "Object-Oriented Thinking (8): Polymorphism", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Dec., 1995.
  147. "How to Design Business Object? (2)", Object Report, November 1995.
  148. "Object-Oriented Thinking (7): Aggregation", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Nov., 1995.
  149. "How to Design Business Object? (1)", Object Report, October 1995.
  150. "Object-Oriented Thinking (6): Inheritance", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Oct., 1995.
  151. "What is Business Object?", Object Report, September 1995.
  152. "Object-Oriented Thinking (5): Class, Instance and Inheritance", Doctor Dobb's Journal, Sept,, 1995.
  153. "Object-Oriented Thinking (4): Modeling", Doctor Dobb's Journal, August, 1995.
  154. "Object-Oriented Thinking (3): Document and Object Revisited", Doctor Dobb's Journal, July, 1995.
  155. "Object-Oriented Thinking (2): Attribute and Method", Doctor Dobb's Journal, June, 1995.
  156. "Object-Oriented Thinking (1): Document and Object", Doctor Dobb's Journal, May, 1995.

Book Translation

  1. Patricia B. Seybold and Ronni Marshak, Customers.com: How to Create a Profitable Business Strategy for the Internet and Beyond, 360 pages, Times Books, 1998. Japanese translation page
  2. Arman Danesh, Teach Yourself JavaScript 1.1 in a Week, 584 pages, SAMS, 1996.
  3. Laura Lemay and Michael Moncur, Laura Lemay's Web Workshop JavaScript, 393 pages, SAMS, 1996.
  4. Thomas Mowbray and Ron Zahavi, The Essential CORBA: Systems Integration Using Distributed Objects, 336 pages, Wiley, 1995. Japanese translation page
  5. Robert Orfali, Dan Harkey, Jeri Edwards and Daniel Harkey, The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide, 640 pages, Wiley, 1995.

  6. Andrew Hutt (ed.), Object Analysis and Design: Description of Methods, 202 pages, Wiley, 1994.
  7. Andrew Hutt (ed.), Object Analysis and Design: Comparison of Methods, 224 pages, Wiley, 1994.
  8. Object Management Group, Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA) Specification, version 1.1, Wiley, 1994.

  9. Richard Soley (ed.), Object Management Architecture Guide, revision 2.0, Wiley, 1992.

Jun Suzuki's Pulications page
Jun Suzuki's Web site