ARtool v1.1.2 - Association Rule Mining Algorithms and Tools ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is file 0README.TXT written by Laurentiu Cristofor Last modified on February 4th, 2002 Introduction ============ ARtool is a Java application for mining frequent itemsets and association rules in binary databases. ARtool is free software distributed under the GNU General Public License. If you find ARtool useful, then please let me know by sending me email, my address is Your feedback will encourage me to periodically update ARtool with new features. If you enhance ARtool in any way or if you write additional tools related to ARtool, then let me know and I will add a link to your site on ARtool's page. List of documents included in the ARtool distribution ===================================================== 0COPYRIGHT.TXT - ARtool copyright notice 0LICENSE - ARtool license (the GNU GPL) 0README.TXT - this file 0FAQ.TXT - ARtool Frequently Asked Questions 0ASC_TUTORIAL.TXT - tutorial for asc2db and db2asc command line tools 0HISTORY.TXT - ARtool history Glossary of terms ================= GUI - Graphical User Interface JDK - Java Development Kit JRE - Java Runtime Environment JVM - Java Virtual Machine How to install and execute ARtool ================================= You need to have Sun's JDK or JRE installed, probably at least version 1.3. To install ARtool, just unzip the ARtool binaries to some directory on your hard drive. To run the ARtool GUI, just type: java -jar ARtool.jar or double-click on ARtool.jar (works only if you have JRE installed). If ARtool runs out of memory during some mining operation (you see an OutOfMemoryException message), then you need to allocate more memory to the JVM. In the case of Sun's JDK you can do this by typing: java -Xmx512M -jar ARtool.jar which will let JVM use 512MB of memory, assuming of course that you have that much memory installed. If you want to use the command line utilities, then you will have to add to your classpath. On Windows you need to have in your autoexec.bat a line like this: SET CLASSPATH=.;C:\ARTOOL\BIN\LAUR.ZIP If you use Unix, then you will have to add something like setenv CLASSPATH .:~/ARtool/bin/ to your shell configuration file. contains the compiled versions of the, laur.rand, and packages. Check the Help menu for an introduction to association rule mining and the ARtool application. Also note that ARtool is viewed best in a resolution of 1024x768 or higher. For more information check the ARtool website: If you have a bug report then you can write me at: General tips for the command line tools ======================================= - where a database name is required, the .db extension should be omitted since all programs add it automatically. This means that all the databases must use the .db extension. - 0ASC_TUTORIAL.TXT contains a tutorial regarding the use of the asc2db and db2asc tools. - use db2asc to obtain a text dump of a database - use dbtool to set a new description for a database EOF==================================================================