On this page:
1 Staff
2 Lecture
3 Office Hours
4 Textbook
5 Homework
6 Exams

Course Info

Last updated: Tue, 5 Sep 2023 14:37:11 -0400

This page lists basic information about the course such as people and times.

(All emails are UMB addresses)

1 Staff

Instructor: Stephen Chang (email: Stephen.Chang)

TA: TBD (email: )

2 Lecture

Time: Mondays and Wednesdays at 2:30-3:45pm.

Location: Wheatley W01-0005

Here’s a Google Calendar with class times, iCal format (requires UMB login).

First Lecture: Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Last Lecture: Wednesday, December 13, 2023

(Note: This course is "CS 450-02", i.e., "CS 450 section 2". A separate "CS 450, section 1" is taught by Professor Cogumbreiro this semester, but the two sections are independent so material from one section will not apply in the other section, and vice versa.)

See also Lecture Policy.

3 Office Hours

To accommodate different needs, we will have both in-person and virtual office hours.

Specifically, office hours will be held weekly:

Drop-ins are fine, but emailing in advance if you can would be helpful.

These will usually be group meetings, but one-on-ones are available upon request.

4 Textbook

Material from the course will be drawn from the the following textbook:

The book is available for free online, but you can buy a print copy if you wish (make sure to get the 2nd edition).

There may also be supplemental lecture notes, but book chapters to accompany each lecture will be listed.

5 Homework

Homework will be assigned weekly.

We will usually follow this schedule:

Homework out: Mondays 00:00 EST

Homework due: Sundays 23:59 EST

This schedule may occasionally change due to holidays or other circumstances.

See also Homework Submission Policy.

6 Exams

There are no exams for this course this semester.