IT 443: Network Security Administration I

Instructor Contact
Instructor T. Omar Soro, PhD.
Email torna.soro "at" umb "dot" edu
Office McCormack Building, 3rd Floor, Room 0201-32
IT443-10: Class (Wheatley W01-0053) - TTH: 2:00pm - 3.15pm
IT443-11: Class (Wheatley W01-0052) - TTH: 7:00pm - 8.15pm
Phone TBA




Course Description

This course explores the application of policy and techniques to securing both public and private networks. Topics covered in this course are threat analysis and management, cryptography, firewalls, isolation, and certificates. Students get practices in scanning the server for vulnerabilities; assess the Windows domain for weak passwords, centralize the local password management, secure the environment by PKI, discover attack using Wireshark, discover malware by intrusion detection system, and block traffic by firewall. Also, students learn how these tasks fit into the more general security administration process.

Topics Covered

The course will cover the following topics

To help students enhance their practical experience, some class times will be in the lab. Students can ask questions in classes but cannot share the result of their assignment with other teams.


Required Materials:

Recommended additional Materials:

Recommended additional Materials:

ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct available from


I will take attendance in each class.

I do this to learn your names.

Your attendance will not directly affect your grade.

But I am more likely to give you the benefit of the doubt when grading if you have been regularly attending class.

Grading Policy

All homework and exams are subject to the University's Code of Conduct.

Plagiarism is not tolerated in any form.

Grades will be computed as follows

Weekly Quizzes (Thursday)20%
Mid-term Exam20%
Final Exam35%

Final grades will be assigned based on the following standard scale

A> 100 - 93 (the Registrar does not accept an A+ grade)
A -92 - 90
B +89 - 86
B85 - 83
B -82 - 80
C +79 - 76
C75 - 73
C -72 - 70
D +69 - 66
D65 - 63
D -62 - 60
F< 60

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students with documented disabilities.

Students may obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability Services.

Their web site is

A student must present these recommendations and discuss them with me within a reasonable period, preferably by the end of Add/Drop period.

Classroom Behavior

I put a lot of work into my classes.

If I see you looking furtively at your cell phone while I'm talking, I wonder why I am doing this.

If I hear you having an extensive conversation with your neighbor, it makes me feel that I am wasting my time here.

I could make more money doing other things, but I find this work important.

I work hard to teach you important material.

Please respect that effort while you are in this room.

If You Fall Behind See Me

Most students at UMB have many demands on their time.

They work many hours outside of school and take several courses.

Under normal circumstances, most students can handle the load.

But sometimes life throws you a curve.

A family emergency, health issues, or problems at work can make it hard to keep up with your coursework.

If this happens see me.

Often I can help.

But you need to do this soon as you start to fall behind.

If you wait until the end of the semester there is much less that I can do to help.

Academic Honesty

The preamble to the Academic Honesty section the Code of Student Conduct of the University reads as follows

It is the expressed policy of the University that every aspect of academic life not only formal coursework situations, but all relationships and interactions connected to the educational process shall be conducted in an absolutely and uncompromisingly honest manner. The University presupposes that any submission of work for academic credit indicates that the work is the student’s own and is in compliance with University policies. In cases where academic dishonesty is discovered after completion of a course or degree program, sanctions may be imposed retroactively, up to and including revocation of the degree. Any student who reasonably believes another student has committed an act of academic dishonesty should inform the course instructor of the alleged violation.

You can find the complete text of the Academic Honesty Policy here.


Trust is essential for all human societies.

Cheating undermines trust.

The vast majority of people do not cheat, but some do.

Cheating will not be tolerated in this class.

Students who cheat on an exam will have their exam papers confiscated and will receive a score of 0.

The incident will be reported to the Provost's Office.

Copying assignments is cheating.

If copying is detected, both students will receive a 0 on the assignment an the incident will be reported.

If this happens a second time, both students will fail the course and the incident will be reported to the Provost's Office.

Academic Support Programs

If you are having trouble in any of your classes, you should reach out for help.

The University provides extensive Academic Support Programs.

To learn more about them go to

Class Discussion Area

If you have questions about the material or the assignments, you should post them to the class discussion area.

This discussion area is provided by Piazza, which is a platform to help students share information.

If you find yourself stuck on anything, post it here.

I will check Piazza frequently and answer question as they appear.

If you see a question and know the answer, you can respond to it on Piazza.

I will check these replies and approve or modify them as appropriate.

You can post questions anonymously on Piazza, if you prefer.

Contacting Me

If you have questions about your status in the class, email me at

If you have question about any of the material we cover in class or an assignment, post in on Piazza.