CS444 Chapter 1 Important Figures



Fig 1-17  32-bit address Space, steps in making the system call read(fd, buffer, nbytes):


Same 32-bit address space drawn horizontally:

     Code                     Data                                C library DLL                       stack
      ------                     -----                                    ---------                                

VA= 0                                                                                                                                                      VA=Amax        VA=0xffffffff

For 32-bit Linux, Amax = 0xc0000000 -1 = 0xbfffffff  (3GB user space)

For 32-bit Windows, Amax = 0x80000000 -1 = 0x7fffffff (2GB user space)

For 32-bit Solaris UNIX, Amax = 0xffffffff  (4GB user space)

(64-bit systems have much larger user spaces)


01-18.jpg Fig. 1-18 major UNIX syscalls


Fig. 1-23 The Win32 API (aka WinAPI) calls that roughly correspond to UNIX calls of Fig. 1-18