CS444 hw1 Expected Behavior under testio.sh (grading script)

testio.sh (see other side) arranges via mtip to input 0123456789012345678901… at a slow rate, to testio.lnx, while running testio.lnx 


The little box shows where “hi!” is output in the original supplied hw1. The output shows before the kprintf of “write of 4 returned 4” because the supplied ttywrite code has used polling output to output the chars one by one.



italics: kprintf output, or other polling output

Plain text: output from interrupt-driven write

Underlined text: echoes from input to interrupt-driven reads

Bold text: echoes from input to polling reads


testio.sh <system number>            OS-handled read, so interrupt-driven

… reboot output

Tutor> ~downloading testio.lnx       “Tutor”, etc. is output using polling

.........Done.                             but “downloading…” is mtip/OS output

Download done, setting EIP to 100100.

Tutor> GO 100100

Running with console device TTY1     kprintf output from testio


Line Callout 2: hi! (orig)Trying simple write...               write(ldev,"hi!\n",4);

write of 4 returned 4                (write returns with all 4 chars still in queue)

<doing delay>

hi!                                  (output during delay loop)

Trying longer write                  write(ldev, "abcdefghi", 9)

abcwrite of 9 returned 9             (abc out, write returns with full queue, 6 chars)

<doing delay>                       

defghi                               (last queue-full output during delay loop)

Trying write of 80-char string...    got = write(ldev, buf, BUFLEN);


write returned 80

<doing delay>                       

ffgghh012                            (finish output during delay loop, 012 input/echoed)


Type some input to test typeahead while looping for delay...  got = read(ldev, buf, 10);

<doing delay>

3456789                              (finish input, echo of requested 10 chars)

Got 10 chars into buf. Trying write of buf...      write(ldev, buf, got);


Trying another read right away...         got = read(ldev, buf, 10);


Got 10 chars on second read          write(ldev, buf, got);



Now turning echo off--                                  control(ldev, ECHOCONTROL, 0);

Type some input, note lack of echoes... got = read(ldev, buf, 20);

<doing delay>

456789____________________          (input of 012345678901234567890, no echoes)

Trying write of buf...              write(ldev, buf, got);


Asked for 20 characters; got 20

Exception 3 at EIP=00100110: Breakpoint

Tutor> ~q                           OS-handled read, so interrupt-driven

Quit handler:                       OS-handled write, so interrupt-driven

killing process 8291 Leaving board … 



testio.sh, available in $cs444/hw1:



# sapc.script used for hw1 grading

# Usage: testio.sh 5   to use system 5, etc.

# shell file to test hw1 through mtip

#  ~S for longer wait, ~s for shorter wait

#  use 20 secs for reset, then CR, then 1 sec, then ~d, 10 secs for download


mtip -b $1 -f testio.lnx << MRK


~s~S~d~S~SGO 100100






Dataflow in TTY driver: you add echo dataflow as shown in class


read     ttyread : “program” code, dequeues from input Q



               input Q



         input interrupt handler: enqueues into input Q




 write     ttywrite: “program” code, enqueues to output Q



               output Q              echo Q



         output interrupt handler: dequeues from output Q