CS444 Practice Final Exam,                                       NAME:___________________________

Open books, notes, handouts. Write on these pages, using the backs if need be (I hope not.)  Each problem is worth 150/6 = 25 points, for a total of 150 points.


1.      Short answer.

a.       Describe two ways the kernel code can stop the UART transmitter interrupts from happening while a program is running on an x86 system.




b.      In user-level producer consumer using three semaphores as in the program on pg. 130, suppose the shared buffer can hold 10 elements (N=10).  What are the counts in each of the three semaphores when the shared buffer is full, the producer is blocked because the buffer is full, and the consumer is running in consume_item?





a.       Suppose a page fault occurs on a code page for a process, because that code page is not yet in memory but is now needed.  Where will the OS find the needed page of data (in this case program code) for the page?  What action by the scheduler will soon happen for this process?




b.      What is the kernel mutex mechanism we are using in our tiny-Unix (hw2, hw3, hw4) kernels?  This mechanism cannot be used with multi-processor systems. Name another kernel mutex mechanism that does work with multiprocessors.





2.      Deadlocks.  Suppose there are two resources R and S, and three processes A, B, and C, and:

process A holds T, requests lock on R

process B holds R, requests lock on S

process C holds nothing, requests lock on R and S


Draw the resource allocation graph and determine if there is a deadlock.  If so, what processes are involved?  If not, show how the processes can “unwind”, i.e., finish execution in some order.








3.   System Call Mechanism. In hw2, hw3, and hw4, and also in Linux 2.2 on x86, a system call and related execution has the following steps:


1.      call assembly language function for system call

2.      load system call arguments in registers, system call # in EAX

3.      start executing int $0x80

4.      save EFLAGS, EIP on stack (also CS)

5.      load EIP from IDT[0x80]

6.      execute the assembler syscall handler, save registers

7.      execute the C syscall handler

8.      execute the assembler syscall handler body, restore registers

9.      execute the iret instruction

10.  execute the next instruction after the int $0x80


a.       Which steps are part of the trap cycle of the CPU, (and thus involved in the transition from user to kernel mode under Linux)?



b.      Which step, when executed under Linux, involves a transition from kernel mode to user mode?



c.       Which steps, when executed under Linux, are running in user mode in the CPU?



d.      Which steps, when executed under Linux, are running in kernel mode in the CPU?



e.       Which step could contain a call to a device driver (hw’s or Linux)?



f.       Which steps would also be in a list like this for handling an interrupt? (Replace “syscall” with “interrupt” in the steps above to answer this.)



4.      Scheduling. Consider the execution of the hw3 kernel with its non-preemptive scheduler with the following programs, which are nearly the same as the standard test programs except for the loop body, the number of A’s that main1 outputs, and the number of c’s that main3 outputs.  The value of N is the same for main1 and main3.


int main1()


   int sum = 0; int i;


   write(TTY1, “aaaaaaaaaaa”, 10);

   write(TTY1, “zzz”, 3);

   for (i=0;i<N;i++)

      sum += i*i; 

   write(TTY1, “AAAA”, 4);


int main2()


   write(TTY1,”bbbbbbbbbb”, 10);


int main3()


int sum = 0; int i;


   for (i=0;i<N;i++)

      sum += i*i;  

   write(TTY1, “cccc”, 4);


Note that the CPU-burning loop is the same in main1 and main3. The output from the run using hw3’s kernel is simply

*aaaaaa*******ccccaaaaz*zz*******AAAA*bbbbSHUTTING DOWN



Recall that the *’s are output in the tick handler by kprintf every 10 ms.  Characters take 1 ms to output. The tty output queue can hold 6 characters.


a.       How long does one of the CPU-burning loops take to run, in ms?


b.      Which CPU-burning loop executes first, main1’s or main3’s?


c.       What output is showing when main3 exits?  (Don’t forget write-behind effects)



d.      How many chars are output, before SHUTTING DOWN is output, from interrupt handler executions that occur during the execution of the two user-level CPU-burning loops?


e.       Does process 1 ever block?  When or why not?



f.       Does process 3 ever block?  When or why not?



5.       Mutex System Calls. Suppose we want to add a user-level mutex service to nonpreemptive tiny UNIX  of hw3, which does not have semaphore system calls.


a.       Suggest an appropriate set of new system calls for this service.  Also give the appropriate names for the kernel functions that implement each system call.





b.      Explain in what functions the scheduler functions sleep() and wakeup() or wakeup_one() would be called.




c. Would you use cli() and sti() (or set_eflags()) around the call to sleep?  Discuss this decision.







6.      x86 Paging. The first few PTEs of the SAPC’s only page table look like this, after a reboot:


      Address Contents

PTE0  0x52000 0x00000007

PTE1  0x52004 0x00001007

PTE2  0x52008 0x00002007

PTE3  0x5200c 0x00003007


a. What is the relationship between VA and PA described here?  For what range of VAs does it hold?




b.      How would you change this page table to make an access to VA 0x2056 cause a page fault? (What new value for what address? Or give the Tutor command.




c.       If we access VA 0x3110 by reading the 32-bit quantity there, which PTE is changed, and how?