1   // joi/10/juno/Juno.java                         
2   //                                                            
3   //                                                            
4   // Copyright 2003 Bill Campbell and Ethan Bolker                         
6   import java.io.*;
7   import java.util.*;
8   import java.lang.*;
10  /** 
11   * Juno (Juno's Unix NOt) mimics a command line operating system 
12   * such as Unix.  
13   * <p>
14   * A Juno system has a name, a set of Users, a JFile system,
15   * a login process and a set of shell commands.
16   * 
17   * @see User
18   * @see JFile
19   * @see ShellCommand
20   *
21   * @version 10
22   **/
24  public class Juno 
25      implements Serializable
26  {
27      private final static String OS      = "Juno";
28      private final static String VERSION = "10";
30      private String    hostName;   // host machine name
31      private Map       users;      // lookup table for Users
32      private transient OutputInterface  console;  
34      private Directory slash;      // root of JFile system
35      private Directory userHomes;  // for home directories
37      private ShellCommandTable commandTable; // shell commands
39      // file containing Juno state
40      private transient String fileName = null;
42      // port used by Juno server for remote login
43      private int junoPort = 2001; 
45      /**
46       * Construct a Juno (operating system) object.
47       *
48       * @param hostName  the name of the host on which it's running.
49       * @param echoInput should all input be echoed as output?
50       * @param isGUI graphical user interface?
51       * @param isRemote running as a server?
52       */
54      public Juno( String hostName, boolean echoInput, 
55                   boolean isGUI, boolean isRemote )
56      {
57          // Initialize the Juno environment ...
59          this.hostName     = hostName;
60          users             = new TreeMap();
61          commandTable      = new ShellCommandTable();
63          // the file system
65          slash = new Directory( "", null, null );
66          User root = new User( "root", "swordfish", slash, 
67                                "Rick Martin" );
68          users.put( "root", root );
69          slash.setOwner(root);
70          userHomes = new Directory( "users", root, slash );
71      }
73      // Set up the correct console:
74      // command line (default), graphical or remote.
76      private void setupConsole( boolean echoInput, boolean isGUI, 
77                                 boolean isRemote )
78      {
79          LoginInterpreter interpreter 
80              = new LoginInterpreter( this, null );
82          if (isGUI) {
83              console = new GUILoginConsole( hostName, 
84                                         this, interpreter, echoInput);
85          }
86          else if (isRemote) {
87              console = new RemoteConsole( this, echoInput, junoPort );
88          }
89          else {
90              console = new JunoTerminal( echoInput );
91          }
93          // Tell the interpreter about the console
94          interpreter.setConsole( console );
96          // If we're using a simple command line interface,
97          // start that.  (Constructing a GUI starts the GUI.)
98          // Shut down Juno when done
100         if (!isGUI && !isRemote) {
101             interpreter.CLILogin();
102             shutDown();
103         }
104     }
106     /** 
107      * Shut down this Juno system.
108      *
109      * Save state if required.
110      */
112     public void shutDown( )
113     {
114         if (fileName != null) { 
115             writeJuno( );
116         }
117     }
119     /**
120      * Set the name of file in which system state is kept.
121      *
122      * @param fileName the file name.
123      */
125     public void setFileName(String fileName)
126     {
127         this.fileName = fileName;
128     }
130     /**
131      * The name of the host computer on which this system
132      * is running.
133      *
134      * @return the host computer name.
135      */
137     public String getHostName()
138     {
139         return hostName;
140     }
142     /**
143      * The name of this operating system.
144      *
145      * @return the operating system name.
146      */
148     public String getOS()
149     {
150         return OS;
151     }
153     /**
154      * The version number for this system.
155      *
156      * @return the version number.
157      */
159     public String getVersion()
160     {
161         return VERSION;
162     }
164     /**
165      * The directory containing all user homes for this system.
166      *
167      * @return the directory containing user homes.
168      */
170     public Directory getUserHomes()
171     {
172         return userHomes;
173     }
175     /**
176      * The shell command table for this system.
177      *
178      * @return the shell command table.
179      */
181     public ShellCommandTable getCommandTable()
182     {
183         return commandTable;
184     }
186     /**
187      * Look up a user by user name.
188      *
189      * @param username the user's name.
190      * @return the appropriate User object. 
191      */
193     public User lookupUser( String username )  
194     {
195         return (User) users.get( username );
196     }
198     /**
199      * Create a new User.
200      *
201      * @param userName the User's login name.
202      * @param home her home Directory.
203      * @param password her password.
204      * @param realName her real name.
205      * @return newly created User.
206      */
208     public User createUser( String userName, Directory home,
209                             String password, String realName )
210     {
211         User newUser = new User( userName, password,
212                                  home, realName );
213         users.put( userName, newUser );
214         return newUser;
215     }
217     /**
218      * The Juno system may be given the following command line
219      * arguments:
220      *
221      * -e:         Echo all input (useful for testing).
222      *
223      * -version:   Report the version number and exit.
224      *
225      * -g:         Support a GUI console.
226      *
227      * -remote     Start Juno server.
228      *
229      * -f filename File to read/write system state from/to
230      *
231      * [hostname]: The name of the host on which
232      *             Juno is running (optional).
233      */
235     public static void main( String[] args )
236     {
237         // Parse command line options
239         boolean echoInput    = false;
240         boolean versionQuery = false;
241         boolean isGUI        = false;
242         boolean isRemote     = false;
243         String  hostName     = "mars";
244         String  junoFileName = null;
246         for (int i=0; i < args.length; i++) {
247             if (args[i].equals("-e")) {
248                 echoInput = true;
249             }
250             else if (args[i].equals("-version")) {
251                 versionQuery = true;
252             }
253             else if (args[i].equals("-g")) {
254                 isGUI = true;
255             }
256             else if (args[i].equals( "-remote" )) {
257                 isRemote = true;
258             }
259             else if (args[i].equals("-f")) {
260                 junoFileName = args[++i];
261             }
262             else {
263                 hostName = args[i];
264             }
265         }
267         // If it's  a version query give the version and exit
268         if ( versionQuery ) {
269             System.out.println( OS + " version " + VERSION );
270             System.exit(0);
271         }
273         // Create a new Juno or read one from a file.
274         Juno junoSystem = null;
275         if (junoFileName != null) {
276             junoSystem = readJuno( junoFileName );
277         }
278         if (junoSystem == null) {
279             junoSystem = new Juno( hostName, echoInput, 
280                                    isGUI, isRemote );
281         }
282         junoSystem.setFileName( junoFileName );
283         junoSystem.setupConsole( echoInput, isGUI, isRemote );
284     }
286     // Read Juno state from a file.
287     //
288     // @param junoFileName the name of the file containing the system.
289     // @return the system, null if file does not exist.
291     private static Juno readJuno(String junoFileName)
292     {
293         File file = new File( junoFileName );
294         if (!file.exists()) {
295             return null;
296         }
297         ObjectInputStream inStream = null;
298         try {
299             inStream = new ObjectInputStream( 
300                            new FileInputStream( file ) );
301             Juno juno = (Juno)inStream.readObject();
302             System.out.println( 
303                "Juno state read from file " + junoFileName);
304             return juno;
305         }
306         catch (Exception e ) {
307             System.err.println("Problem reading " + junoFileName );
308             System.err.println(e);
309             System.exit(1);
310         }
311         finally {
312             try {
313                 inStream.close();
314             }
315             catch (Exception e) {
316             }
317         }
318         return null; // you can never get here
319     }
321     // Write Juno state to a file.
323     private void writeJuno() 
324     {
325         ObjectOutputStream outStream = null;
326         try {
327             outStream = new ObjectOutputStream( 
328                            new FileOutputStream( fileName ) );
329             outStream.writeObject( this );
330             System.out.println( 
331                "Juno state written to file " + fileName);
332         }
333         catch (Exception e ) {
334             System.err.println("Problem writing " + fileName);
335             System.err.println(e);
336         }
337         finally {
338             try {
339                 outStream.close();
340             }
341             catch (Exception e ) {
342             }
343         }
344     }
345 }