1   // joi/10/juno/Shell.java                         
2   //                                                            
3   //                                                            
4   // Copyright 2003 Bill Campbell and Ethan Bolker                         
6   import java.util.*;
8   /**
9    * Models a shell (command interpreter)
10   *
11   * The Shell knows the (Juno) system it's working in,
12   * the User who started it,
13   * and the console to which to send output.
14   *
15   * It keeps track of the the current working directory (.) .
16   *
17   * @version 10
18   */
20  public class Shell 
21      implements InterpreterInterface
22  {
23      private Juno system;             // The operating system object
24      private User user;               // The user logged in
25      private OutputInterface console; // The console for this shell
26      private Directory dot;           // The current working directory
28      /**
29       * Construct a login shell for the given user and console.
30       *
31       * @param system a reference to the Juno system.
32       * @param user the User logging in.
33       * @param console a Terminal for input and output.
34       */
36      Shell( Juno system, User user, OutputInterface console )  
37      {
38          this.system  = system;
39          this.user    = user;
40          this.console = console;
41          dot          = user.getHome(); // default current directory
43          if (!console.isGUI()) {
44              this.console = console;
45              CLIShell();
46          }
47          else
48              this.console =
49                  new GUIShellConsole("Juno shell for " + user,
50                                      this, console.isEchoInput());
51      }
53      // Run the command line interpreter
55      private void CLIShell()
56      {
57          boolean moreWork = true;
58          while(moreWork) {
59              moreWork = interpret( ((InputInterface) console).
60                                    readLine( getPrompt() ) );
61          }
62          console.println("goodbye");
63      }
65      /**
66       * Interpret a String.
67       *
68       * Syntax
69       * <pre>
70       *     shellcommand command-arguments
71       * </pre>
72       *
73       * @param inputLine the String to interpret.
74       * @return true unless shell command is logout.
75       */
77      public boolean interpret( String inputLine )
78      {
79          StringTokenizer st = stripComments(inputLine);
80          if (st.countTokens() == 0) {           // skip blank line
81              return true; 
82          }
83          String commandName = st.nextToken();
84          ShellCommand commandObject =
85              system.getCommandTable().lookup( commandName );
86          if (commandObject == null ) {
87              console.errPrintln( "Unknown command: " + commandName );
88              return true;
89          }                                                           
90          try { 
91              commandObject.doIt( st, this );
92          }                                  
93          catch (ExitShellException e) {                   
94              return false;                                        
95          }                                                        
96          catch (BadShellCommandException e) {
97              console.errPrintln( "Usage: " + commandName + " " + 
98                                  e.getCommand().getArgString() );
99          }                                                       
100         catch (JunoException e) {                               
101             console.errPrintln( e.getMessage() );               
102         }                                                       
103         catch (Exception e) {                                   
104             console.errPrintln( "you should never get here" );  
105             console.errPrintln( e.toString() );                 
106         }                                                       
107         return true;
108     }
110     // Strip characters from '#' to end of line, create and
111     // return a StringTokenizer for what's left.
113     private StringTokenizer stripComments( String line )
114     {
115         int commentIndex = line.indexOf('#');
116         if (commentIndex >= 0) {
117             line = line.substring(0,commentIndex);
118         }
119         return new StringTokenizer(line);
120     }
122     /**
123      * The prompt for the CLI.
124      *
125      * @return the prompt string.
126      */
128     public String getPrompt() 
129     {
130       return system.getHostName() + ":" + getDot().getPathName() + "> ";
131     }
133     /**
134      * The User associated with this shell.
135      *
136      * @return the user.
137      */
139     public User getUser()  
140     { 
141         return user; 
142     }
144     /**
145      * The current working directory for this shell.
146      *
147      * @return the current working directory.
148      */
150     public Directory getDot()     
151     { 
152         return dot; 
153     }
155     /**
156      * Set the current working directory for this Shell.
157      *
158      * @param dot the new working directory.
159      */
161     public void setDot(Directory dot)     
162     { 
163         this.dot = dot; 
164     }
167     /**
168      * The console associated with this Shell.
169      *
170      * @return the console.
171      */
173     public OutputInterface getConsole() 
174     { 
175         return console; 
176     }
178     /**
179      * The Juno object associated with this Shell.
180      *
181      * @return the Juno instance that created this Shell.
182      */
184     public Juno getSystem() 
185     { 
186         return system; 
187     }
188 }