1   // joi/4/estore/EStore.java  
2   //
3   //
4   // Copyright 2003 Bill Campbell and Ethan Bolker
6   /**
7    * An EStore object simulates the behavior of a simple on line
8    * shopping web site.
9    *
10   * It contains a Terminal object to model the customer's browser 
11   * and a Catalog of Items that may be purchased and 
12   * then added to the customer's shoppingCart.
13   *
14   * @version 4
15   */
17  public class EStore
18  {
19      private String   storeName;
20      private Terminal browser;
21      private Catalog  catalog;
23      /**
24       *  Construct a new EStore.
25       *
26       *  @param storeName the name of the EStore
27       *  @param browser the visitor's Terminal.
28       */
30      public EStore( String storeName, Terminal browser )
31      {
32          this.browser   = browser;
33          this.storeName = storeName;
34          this.catalog   = new Catalog();
35          catalog.addItem( new Item("quaffle", 55) );
36          catalog.addItem( new Item("bludger", 15) );
37          catalog.addItem( new Item("snitch",  1000) );
38      } 
40      /**
41       *  Visit this EStore.
42       *
43       *  Execution starts here when the store opens for
44       *  business. User can visit as a customer, act as
45       *  the manager, or exit.
46       */ 
48      public void visit()
49      {
50          // Print a friendly welcome message.
51          browser.println( "Welcome to " + storeName );
52          while (true) { // an infinite loop ...  
53              browser.println();
54              String whoAreYou = browser.readWord(
55                 storeName + " (manager, visit, exit): ");
56              if (whoAreYou.equals("exit")) {
57                  break; // leave the while loop
58              }
59              if (whoAreYou.equals("manager")) {
60                  managerVisit();
61              }
62              if (whoAreYou.equals("visit")) {
63                  customerVisit();
64              }
65          }
66      }
68      /**
69       *  Manager options:
70       * 
71       *  examine the catalog
72       *  add an Item to the catalog
73       *  quit
74       */
75      private void managerVisit( ) 
76      {
77          while (true) {
78              String cmd =
79                browser.readWord("manager command (show, new, quit):");
80              if (cmd.equals("quit")) {
81                  break;  // leave manager command while loop 
82              }
83              else if (cmd.equals("show")) {          
84                  catalog.show(browser);
85              }
86              else if (cmd.equals("new")) {           
87                  String itemName = browser.readWord("  item name:     ");
88                  int cost        = browser.readInt( "  cost:          ");
89                  catalog.addItem( new Item(itemName, cost) );
90              }
91              else {
92                  browser.println("unknown manager command: " + cmd); 
93              }
94          }
95      }
97      /**
98       * Customer visits this EStore.
99       *
100      * Loop allowing customer to select items to add to her
101      * shoppingCart.
102      */
104     private void customerVisit( )
105     {
106         // Create a new, empty ShoppingCart.
107         ShoppingCart basket = new ShoppingCart();
109         browser.println( "Currently available:");
110         catalog.show(browser);
111         while ( true ) { // loop forever ...
112             String nextPurchase = browser.readWord( 
113                    "select your purchase, checkout, help: ");
115             if ( nextPurchase.equals("checkout" )) break; // leave loop!
117             if ( nextPurchase.equals("help" )) {
118                 catalog.show(browser);
119                 continue; // go back to top of while loop
120             }
121             // customer has entered the name of an Item
122             basket.addItem( catalog.getItem(nextPurchase) );
123         }
125         int numberPurchased = basket.getCount();
126         browser.println("We are shipping these " + 
127                         basket.getCount() + " Items:"); 
128         basket.showContents(browser);
129         browser.println("and charging your account $" + basket.getCost());
130         browser.println("Thank you for shopping at " + storeName);
131     }
133     /**
134      *  The EStore simulation program begins here when the user
135      *  issues the command <code>java EStore</code>
136      *
137      *  If first command line argument is "-e" instantiate a
138      *  Terminal that echoes its input.
139      *
140      *  The next command line argument (if there is one) 
141      *  is the name of the EStore.
142      *
143      *  @param args <-e> <storeName>
144      */
145     public static void main( String[] args ) 
146     {
148         String storeName = "Virtual Minimal Minimall"; //default
150         // check to see if first argument is "-e"
151         boolean echo = ( (args.length > 0) && (args[0].equals("-e")) );
153         // if first argument was "-e" then look at second for store name
154         int nextArg = (echo ? 1 : 0 );
156         if (args.length > nextArg) {
157             storeName = args[nextArg];
158         }
160         // Print this to simulate internet search.
161         System.out.println("connecting ..."); 
163         // Create an EStore object and visit it
164         (new EStore(storeName, new Terminal(echo))).visit();
165     }
166 }