AI Lab
Professional Services
RA Positions

  1. NSF 1914489 III: Small: EAGER: Representation Learning of Connotation and Denotation Knowledge for Atomic Information Units, 7/2019-6/2020, So-PI, $80,000
  2. NSF 1841701 RCN: Developing a Multi-Institution Research-Practitioner Network to Enhance the Success of Diverse Students in Computer Science and Engineering From High School to the Workforce, $499,366, 9/2019-8/2022, Co-PI
  3. Improving Text Comprehension of People with Cognitive Disabilities (6/1/2018-5/31/2019, Amazon), $75,000, PI
  4. NSF 1743010: Advanced Machine Learning Techniques to Discover Disease Subtypes in Cancer (7/1/2017-6/2019), $149,881, Co-PI
  5. NIH 1R01HD083431-01A1: Novel Approaches for Predicting Unstructured Short Periods of Physical Activities in Youth (6/2016-3/2020), $1.9 M, Co-PI
  6. REU Site: Research Experiences in Algorithm Design and Analysis for Students in Undergraduate Institutions, NSF, PI, 6/2013-5/2016
  7. Efficient Discovery of Medical Associations, NIH, PI, 04/2013-1/2016.
  8. Value of Delivery of Targeted Therapy for Veterans with Lung Cancer, VA, Co-PI, 6/2013-5/2016
  9. Enriching Security Curricula and Enhancing Awareness of Security in Computer Science and Beyond, NSF, PI, 9/2012-8/2015.
  10. Undergraduate/Graduate Student Immersion in Computer Science, Technology and Mathematics. NSF, Co-PI (PI: A. Berrached), 9/2010-8/2014.
  11. VACCINE: Visual Analytics for Command, Control,Interoperability, National Security, Emergencies . DHS #2009-ST-061-C10001, Co-PI (Subaward PI: R. Alo), 7/2009-6/2015.
  12. Research Experiences in Algorithm Design and Analysis for Students in Undergraduate Institutions. NSF, PI, 6/2009-5/2012.
  13. An Interactive Undergraduate Data Mining Course with Industrial-Strength Projects. NSF, PI, 4/2008-3/2010.
  14. MRI: Acquisition of a Computational Cluster Grid for Research and Education in Science and Mathematics. NSF, Co-PI (PI: H. Lin), 9/2006-8/2009.
  15. Module-Based Computer Security Courses and Laboratory for Small and Medium Sized Universities. NSF, PI, 6/2003-5/2006.
  16. Large-scale High Dimensional Data Visualization. Lynn Corp., PI, 6/2002-5/2003.