Ramin Dehghanpoor

Ramin Dehghanpoor

Computer Science Ph.D. candidate

See my resume

About Me

I have a Ph.D. in computer science from University of Massachusetts Boston under the supervision of Dr. Nurit Haspel. I finished my Computational Science, Bioinformatics Co-Op at Moderna under the supervision of Christopher Pepin.

My areas of expertise and research intrests are Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, Machine Learning, and Neural Networks.

Latest Projects

Moderna projects

Chemical probing software tools benchmarking, 2022

In this project I worked with three chemical probing software tools and created a Typer CLI tool and a NextFlow (DolphinNext) pipeline for running different parts of each software and comparing them

Moderna projects

Finding RNA degradation signals, 2022

In this project I analyzed end-seq assay NGS data and the predicted RNA structures to find RNA degradation signals

book chapter writing

Writing a book chapter about machine learning based approaches in protein conformational changes on Springer Nature (under review), 2021

In this chapter we survey both experimental and in silico methods used to study protein dynamics and explore the conformational space of proteins. We provide detailed discussions of the challenges of using these methods, their strengths and shortcomings, and their improved variants. We then focus on new machine learning-based strategies that have been a research hotspot for computational biologists in recent years.

Using Topological Data Analysis and RRT to Investigate Protein Conformational Spaces

Using Topological Data Analysis and RRT to Investigate Protein Conformational Spaces (published), 2022

We provide an extensive evaluation of our previously introduced, robotics inspired conformational search algorithm (RRT* with Monte Carlo). We then identify what intermediate conformations appear the most in our generated conformational pathways using TDA Mapper, a topological data analysis algorithm, and examine how close these intermediate conformations are to existing experimental data.

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protein fingerprints with autoencoder

Comparing protein families using their fingerprint (not complete), 2020-2021

We developed an AutoEncoder network to create protein family fingerprints, a Command Line Interface tool to find similarity between different families using their fingerprints and to find the closest family for a new protein

Protein-protein contact map prediction using protein fingerprints and CNN

Protein-protein contact map prediction using protein fingerprints and CNN (not complete), 2020-2021

We developed a Convolutional Neural Network to predict the protein-protein interaction contact map using the fingerprints of the proteins.

Integrating Rigidity Analysis into the Exploration of Protein Conformational Pathways Using RRT* and MC

Integrating Rigidity Analysis into the Exploration of Protein Conformational Pathways Using RRT* and MC (published), 2020

In this work, we integrated the rigidity analysis of proteins into our algorithm to guide the search to explore flexible regions. We demonstrate that rigidity analysis dramatically reduces the run time and accelerates convergence.

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Identifying Online Advice-Seekers for Recovering from Opioid Use Disorder

Identifying Online Advice-Seekers for Recovering from Opioid Use Disorder (under review), 2020

The objective of this analysis is to combine text annotation, social network analysis, and statistical modeling to identify advice-seekers on online social media for buprenorphine-naloxone use and study their characteristics.

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internship at Trace Matters

Data acquisition system (done in my internship at Trace Matters), 2019

We developed a data acquisition system, implemented signal processing techniques and machine learning algorithms to detect the picks for a mass spectrometer. I also designed an interactive UI with ability to tune the parameters of the mass spectrometer hardware using R Shiny app.

Predicting the Effect of Single and Multiple Mutations on Protein Structural Stability

Predicting the Effect of Single and Multiple Mutations on Protein Structural Stability (published), 2018

In this work we compare and assess the utility of several machine learning methods and their ability to predict the effects of single and double mutations. We in silico generate mutant protein structures, and compute several rigidity metrics for each of them. We use these as features for our Support Vector Regression (SVR), Random Forest (RF), and Deep Neural Network (DNN) methods.

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Other Projects


Implementation of an AI bot for engineering.com website

Tenant eligibility classification

Mass housing company customers classification project.

Work Experience and Teaching

Computational Science, Bioinformatics Co-Op - Moderna (2022)

Graduate Research Assistant - University of Massachusetts Boston (2016 - Present)

Instructor of Applied Discrete Mathematics - University of Massachusetts Boston (2020)

Teacher Assistant of Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms - University of Massachusetts Boston (2017-2020)

Data Science and UI Designer Intern - Trace Matters (2019)

Instructor of Programming in C - University of Massachusetts Boston (2018)

Teacher Assistant of Programming in C/Unix - University of Massachusetts Boston (2016-2017)

Teacher Assistant of Principles of Computer Systems and Logic Circuits - Amirkabir University of Technology (2015)